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Dec 20, 2009


This time I was shocked and felt so miserable all the time to read the comment into the comment box at one of my blog. His words were brief but sharp and hurt my feelings. Not that my heart is too subtle to easily offended ... but really .... the comments written without considering how disappointed and hurt the hearts of people who read it.

That comment seemed to accuse me of is the contaminant good name. In fact, the slightest never crossed my mind that far. Blog, is a smart means to put thoughts, ideas, opinions and abilities I have. Although it does not deserve the ability to be enjoyed by people who "feel" greater capacity. The most annoying and again he did not mention the identity of her aka Anonymus. Ufh, as 'cowardly' if the person was to show himself. if she wanted to name him and hopefully if there is a link blog or website / forum where discussions certainly with all open arms and hearts of positive thinking, I'll ask somasi personal and hold discussions for the good of myself. But the fact is, he's like a ghost. Just give vomit and obscenities after it passe.

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